Posted on / by gustl / in News

Happy New Year!!!


The year 2020 had been full of cruel surprises. Due to the corona pandemic there were almost no concerts and all venues are still closed. Though I was busy to practise new songs and to prepare new projects, it was hard to stay focussed without knowing, when the pandemic will come to an end and “normal” live will be possible again. At the same moment I am grateful that I stayed healthy and did not catch up the virus and I know, that amongst all the suffering people I still belong to the luckiest.

However, I do not intend to give up. There is light on the horizon, and I strongly believe, that 2021 will be much a better year for each and everyone, and that we will be able to make music and play concerts with a living present audience soon again.

So I wish you all a happy new year, stay healthy and do not give up hope ..